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Daily Devotional – A Delight

By August 30, 2016Daily Devotionals


Prayer: Lord, let us be a light and a blessing in our schools and be gentle with all.  Thank You. Amen

Scripture: Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Phil. 4:5 NIV 

Even a child makes himself known by his acts, by whether his conduct is pure and upright. Prov. 20:11 ESV

Joey had the most winning smile. Not only that, he had the sweetest disposition, and easily became a favorite with teachers. Joey lived with Juvenile Diabetes, and had to live his young life far differently than his classmates. I often greeted him as he walked by my classroom door mornings and afternoons on his way to the nurse’s office. A few times when I visited his classroom, Joey sat eating a snack, and the other children politely told me that he needed this food they weren’t entitled to because of his diabetes.

A minister friend of mine translates the word “gentleness” in Philippians 4:5 as “sweet reasonableness.” Let your sweet reasonableness be evident to all. Joey certainly had that reputation—compliant, polite, cheerful, winning. There may be times that we have a great deal of difficulty maintaining a gentle or sweet spirit during our school day. Administrators often put too much paper work in our way, parents can be demanding, students rude and difficult. Yet God expects us to model His personality to those around us.

As we prepare to protest this difficult admonition, St. Paul reminds us that we have help! The next four words say it all. THE LORD IS NEAR. What a relief to know that we do not have to live this way on our own. God is near in the person of his Holy Spirit and He waits to enable us. Therefore, when we pray, and then respond to difficult situations with a sweet spirit, we can be assured that He is behind it. And HE will be evident to all! And isn’t that the reason for our presence in that school?

Copyright Shirley Wilson. Email [email protected]