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By May 12, 2017Daily Devotionals


Prayer: We pray You will help us see an area today where we can honor You more. And this weekend, we remember our mothers and thank You for the life they have given to us. Amen.

Scripture: My son, keep your father’s commands and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life. Proverbs 6:20- 23 NIV

As a mom, I am constantly seeing my Heavenly Father‘s love and lesson’s through a mother’s life. There are so many moment’s when I am experiencing life with my children that I can glance heavenward and say, “I have done this to You, haven’t I!”

In the times when I have given my children specific instructions on how to do something and they think they know better and do it differently, only to fail miserably – yep, I’ve done that to You. When I tell them that a decision they are making is going to turn out badly for them, yet they continue with the decision only to learn the hard way – yes, I have done that to You. When I encourage them to be stretched, that I know they can achieve something that seems like an impossible challenge but I know they CAN do it but they listen to their fear instead of to me – Oh yes, many times, I have done that to You. In the times when their words or actions did not reflect the values instilled in them or reflect the reputation of our family – sadly, I have done that to You. When pride, expectations, stubbornness, curiosity, youthful ignorance, or plain old disobedience pulled me away, even though “I knew better,” – too many times to count, I did this to You.

But I thank You and praise You, Lord, because You forgive my sins and do not count them against me when I have confessed my wrong and turned away from foolishness back to You. You have taught me forgiveness, patience, mercy, compassion, self-control, and so much more.

I also see the joy of parenting when I hear my children’ laughter, when they hug me, when I see them smile. I know the satisfaction of having them come to You for guidance and the pride in seeing them succeed when they took a leap of faith. I have known great hurt when they hurt and great elation when they are blessed. I cannot stand to be away from them and I rejoice when they want to spend time with me. It is an indescribable love that grows and perseveres. I am thankful for the many glimpses God gives me to see our relationship through His eyes.

Being a parent is a huge responsibility and one that no one ever feels fully adequate to fulfill. The greatest lesson I have learned is to make sure my teachings are from God’s Word, ways, and will. I have to be careful not to be selfish, silly or even stupid. I have to make sure the lesson’s I teach are a lamp, as His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Experience in obedience, and disobedience, blessing and consequences, victory and failure, have given me the perspective of both a learning child and a loving parent. Reading, studying and following God’s Word has given the strength and perseverance to be both. My prayer for you is that you would know the Father’s love through the lessons of your life.

Copyright Kathy Branzell. Email [email protected]