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Daily Devotional – PLANS

By June 6, 2017Daily Devotionals


Prayer: Today, we declare that we need YOU, Lord, in the center of everything. Please lead and guide us. Thank You. Amen

Scripture: Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed. Prov. 16:3 NLV

Probably no book remains so omnipresent with a teacher as her plan book. We make long-term plans, monthly plans, unit plans, daily plans. We plan our work and work our plan. Some of us stick closer to those plans than others, but we all, nonetheless, have to make them. Like any creative writing, some plans come easily, and others we toil over for hours.

Good teachers know how to adapt plans they’ve made to fit the circumstances or the class in front of them. They know that some lesson plans will be successful with one group, but not with another. Teachers even take this element into consideration when preparing for classes.

God wants us to commit our plans to Him, even the most insignificant ones, even those we’ve used for years with success. Each lesson needs His blessing and His help to make it effective. Many times, we may feel that a lesson has failed, but He sees what we don’t. Sometimes, the most insignificant element of a lesson will change a child’s perspective, or finally turn the light on to a new concept. Though plan writing becomes routine for us and may seem to be too small a thing to bother God with, He wants us to commit these daily blueprints to Him for His blessing. It’s the only way we can know that they will succeed.

Copyright Shirley Wilson. Email [email protected]