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BEARING FRUIT – 03-04-2022

By March 4, 2022Daily Devotionals

March 04, 2022

Prayer: Lord, thank you for appointing us to the mission field of education. Help us bear fruit that will last. Amen

Scripture: I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.  John 15:16 NIV

Virginia has been in the mission field of education in China for over thirty years. She persevered through many trials during the thirteen years she taught in the United States as well as throughout her thirty year plus career in China which includes hundreds of students in her classes with no teaching assistants. This perseverance has resulted in her professional and spiritual maturation which is bearing much fruit in God’s kingdom in education.

In addition to her work distributing Bibles and bringing youth overseas to Jesus Christ, Virginia has also become a foundation stone of the Christian Educators Association International network in the Houston area. Every summer Virginia returns from China for several months. During these months she is actively collecting books from the local used book stores to send to different ministries in Southeast Asia.  Through her sponsoring churches, she has collected hundreds of shoes to send to Honduras so the children there can attend public schools. She has purchased and collected backpacks and school supplies for students which were donated to an organization serving the clothing and school supply needs of students in poverty. Virginia has served as an advisor for the local CEAI network.

Virginia has also been passing on her fruit by writing teacher devotions for publication and also by serving as a speaker at meetings and conferences. She is a faithful, loving friend to many, including her students who keep in touch with her long after they have left the university.

Jesus has appointed Virginia to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last in the mission field of education. He has appointed you as well. Have you accepted His appointment yet in your mission field of education? Are you bearing fruit that will last?

Reflection: Have I accepted God’s appointment in the mission field of public education to bear fruit that will last? What is some of this fruit?

Getting Real: Form personal relationships of unconditional love with staff and students. Help spiritually feed and serve students and staff through involvement in CEAI ministries and Christian clubs for students on campus.

Copyright Don Clark.  To connect with the author, email [email protected]

For other inquiries about the Daily Devotionals or to submit original content for publication, please contact [email protected]

One Comment

  • Lois says:

    This is really wonderful! I pray younger teachers, especially, see this and take it to heart. I wish my mind would have thought of this throughout my career. It is kind of sad that in my last year, I’m learning things that could have had more heavenly results over the years. Thank you for putting this out there for many educators!