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LOVE LETTERS – 02-11-2022

By February 11, 2022Daily Devotionals

February 11, 2022

Prayer: Lord, we thank and praise You for Your unspeakable, wonderful love for us. Amen

Scripture: All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16 NASB

Years ago I was sitting in the doctor’s office facing news of unexpected surgery and holding back the tears. I sat in the parking lot and prayed, my heart ached inside me and I just wanted to go home and have a good cry.

For some reason, I decided to stop and check the FACE mailbox on my way home. The box was empty and had been for weeks so I inquired inside to see if there was a problem. It turned out that box 356 had requested a hold on their mail and it was put in the computer as our box 365. The postal worker reappeared with boxes of mail for us. At first I thought there had to be another mistake, but to my great surprise there were dozens and dozens of letters from loving brothers and sisters in Christ connected with CEAI, FACE, Mission America, the National Prayer Committee, and others, all writing to share God’s love and encouragement.

I was overwhelmed with emotion and thankfulness. I will never be able to put into words how much those cards and letters meant to me. I have kept every one of them and continue to reread them.

The news of that morning had been so hard to swallow, my heart ached and the tears just wouldn’t seem to stop, then God showered me with wonderful, kind letters and said, “See how much I love you!”

I want to point out that those letters were held up at the post office and no matter how lovingly and thoughtfully written, they could not encourage me until I opened them and read them.

God has written you many words of love and encouragement; they are in the Bible. But just like my letters, you must open it and read them. My prayer for you is that you would read God’s love letters to you.

Copyright Kathy Branzell. To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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One Comment

  • Scott says:

    I have seen God work in my life exactly like you described in this mornings devotional.
    Thanks for giving another example of God’s continuous love and support for his followers!