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By January 31, 2022Daily Devotionals

January 31, 2022

Prayer: Father, keep my eyes open to eternal opportunities. Help me to see everyday events as extraordinary, and prepare me to receive what You have promised. Amen

Scripture: But remember the former days, when, after being enlightened, you endured a great conflict of sufferings, partly by being made a public spectacle through reproaches and tribulations, and partly by becoming sharers with those who were so treated. For you showed sympathy to the prisoners, and accepted joyfully the seizure of your property, knowing that you have for yourselves a better possession and a lasting one. Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. Hebrews 10:32-36 NAS

I am always stunned at how quickly time passes. Promotion/Graduation ceremonies will be here before you know it and parents will be reeling with the feeling that “It seems like just yesterday they were…” I pray that you had a restful and blessed Christmas break and that you have a growing sense that your time to impact this year’s students is ticking away. I pray that there is not a single one that you have given up on. God never gives up on us. I know each of you have your own set of challenges but praise the Lord for victories! Of course, as the world sets its sights on New Year’s resolutions, which statistics say will only last two weeks, let’s revisit the goals we wrote down in September and see where we stand.

If you are on course, running with endurance and encouraged all the more each day, I am thanking God right now for you. If you sat down on the sidelines to catch your breath or left the path completely, let’s talk about why you are where you are.

What are your dream demolishers, your vision stealers? Is it negativity? From where or whom does it effect you most? Do you need more encouragement – ask for it. Are you weary or fatigued? Distracted or disorganized? What are your energy zappers or you time takers? Identify them and restore your resolve. Do you doubt? Who or what do you doubt? Where did you put your trust to begin with? In God of course! If you have tried to run on your own strength it is time to remember the presence, power, protection, provision, and promises with which you were energized and will endure through to the end. Remember the victories. Remember the good fights. Remember when God worked through you in such a way that you were awestruck and humbled all at the same time. Focus on what you have done, the forward motion, and do not throw away your confidence.

How are your students, club, or small group doing? What trips them up? Is it any harder for them to brush off the failure of their past and begin the race again? Do you hear mumbling of blame or shame? Is there guilt or conscious-freeing justification that sounds good to them but ridiculous to you? Has someone told them they are foolish to believe that they can achieve such amazing goals? Do they believe lies such as; they are too young, small town, made mistakes they can’t overcome? Are their stumbling blocks much different than yours?

We are not like the rest of the world who will toss their resolutions aside in a few weeks. If you have not been as enduring and effective as you had hoped you would be by now – congratulations, today is the day that you brush off the past and are motivated once again to move on. Today is the day you will get up, get going, get busy, get ahead, get it right, get involved, work hard, work late, no compromises, no excuses, no distractions. You are on a mission. Reread your goals, restore your resolve, and engage your encouragement!

Copyright Kathy Branzell. To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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One Comment

  • Adri says:

    Thank you for the encouraging word. I must say, I am one of those who left the path completely, so I find your words encouraging and insightful.