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By January 26, 2022Daily Devotionals

January 26, 2022

Prayer: Lord, may I evidence a patient heart towards students. Grant me grace to see them as You do while accepting their gifts, shortcomings, and challenges. Teach me to intentionally seek fruit-bearing characteristics which point them to Your truth and everlasting love. Amen

Scripture: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 ESV

Paul speaks to the church about the freedom we are called to as children of Christ. However, he also provides an extensive list of traits we should strive to discontinue. We find the call to avoid fits of anger, jealousy, and division (Galatians 5:20-21). This truth points to a challenge of unwavering love, support, and unity. Every human is diverse in background, convictions, learning modalities, behaviors, and interests. Human individuality can create space for disagreements, questioning, or moments of self reflection. Our commitment is demonstrating Christ-like character even if we disagree or when we witness the frustrations of our students as they discuss injustice, tensions among social communities, lack of motivation, and gradually learn conflict resolution with peers.

Do you purposefully provide opportunities for students to actively share their hearts in the classroom? It is imperative for us to create a learning environment where we “share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

What fruit of the Spirit is currently evident in your life? How does such impact your calling to teach? As you seek to bear fruit through the power of the Holy Spirit it is important to:

  • Build awareness of your feelings and words towards students.
  • Worship/renew daily.
  • Pray for your students, and ask God to help you see them through His eyes.
  • Demonstrate care which extends beyond academic performance.
  • Develop activities which help you get to know your students.

The following can facilitate transparent sharing of experiences in the classroom:

  • Be vocal about your desire to provide a safe space.
  • Allow students to ask questions, and create a list of expected behavior during discussions.
  • Ask Jesus to help you identify possible biases you may have regarding topics which will be discussed throughout lessons. Write them, and ask God to lead your thoughts in accordance with His Spirit and purpose.
  • Listen to understand, not just respond. Be intentional.

As we continuously spend time with God, our hearts yearn to reflect His own. Let God lead you in providing an enriching academic experience while reflecting His everlasting love and grace. Walk into the mission of further equipping minds with firm confidence. The God who called you walks before you in both victorious and uncertain moments.

Copyright by Victoria Bracamonte To connect with the author, email [email protected]

For other inquiries about the Daily Devotionals or to submit original content for publication, please contact [email protected]

One Comment

  • June Hetzel says:


    I was encouraged by your devotional to create a safe place for all my students and to reflect on any biases. God knows my heart and can purify it. I want His fruit to be exemplified in my life. Thank you for sharing!!!

    June Hetzel