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GIFT OF GOD – 11-30-2021

By November 30, 2021Daily Devotionals

November 30, 2021

Prayer: Dear Lord, We want to thank You for Your very great gift of Jesus. Please lead us to share Your love with others during this Christmas season. Amen

Scripture: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 NIV

The day after Thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year. People get up before dawn and go and stand in long lines waiting to get into stores to get great bargains. In many cases there are very limited numbers of items and it is first come, first serve. In most parts of the country, it is cold or snowy; but I know people who actually look forward to and are excited to go and be a part of the chaos. Are you one of these people or are you like me and would not go out there for any deal or discount?

Parking spaces are hard to find. Stores are crowded, lines are long, and in some cases it would seem that kindness and consideration were left at home. When I worked in retail, I actually had to break up a fist fight between two women fighting over a tie.

Some of you have been on the receiving end of one of these wonderful gifts that someone sacrificed sleep and sanity for, just so you could have the latest and greatest gadget or something you could never have been able to afford. Can you think of a time that you searched and sacrificed for something? Did you refuse to let anyone else use it or even touch it when you first got it? Why? How long did it hold its value? Is it still something that is cherished and used every day or did it end up in a box in the basement or in a garage sale? Do you still honor and thank the one who sacrificed so much to give it to you? Years later do you thank them on a daily basis?

There are gifts that retain, and even increase importance in your life as you grow to understand the sacrifice and heart behind them. Jesus came and sacrificed more than we can fathom so that we could receive the gifts of reconciliation and eternal life with the Father. There is no amount of money; no works or sacrifices that we could have ever done that would have allowed us to obtain the gift of God’s forgiveness, the gift of His Spirit and the spiritual gifts that we have received through Christ’s sacrifice. With all the thought and love that has gone into some of the gifts that you have been given, none of them can compare to the love and sacrifice of Jesus.

The gift of forgiveness, grace, mercy, the Holy Spirit and His talents that He has placed in us are gifts we need every day. They never fade, go out of style, get broken, or lose our interest. One of the most awesome things about these gifts is that they were meant to be shared with others. You do not have to worry about them getting broken or having any less of them by sharing. As a matter of fact, your appreciation and understanding of them may even grow as you learn to share them with others. It is God’s plan for you to share His gifts with the world that they might receive the gift of salvation. His gifts are not in a limited supply. He has plenty and desires that all would come to Him and receive His gifts. They are as wonderful today as they were the day you received them. Continue to thank Him for them each and every day!

Copyright Kathy Branzell. To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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