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By November 12, 2021Daily Devotionals

November 12, 2021

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, we are grateful that You are walking with us today and helping us overcome. Dear Lord, we believe. Please help our unbelief. Thank You. Amen

Scripture: He said, “Listen, King Jehoshaphat! Listen, all you people of Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. 2 Chronicles 20:15 NLT

Have you ever felt that you faced a challenge in your walk with Christ that dwarfed you and so intimidated you that you felt frozen in place?

Sometimes we sense God calling us to move ahead with challenges that stagger our imagination. Climb that thousand-foot rock wall, move that mountain, overcome that resistance to faith, walk on water! Nevertheless, in Christ’s power and in God’s time all those things have been done by people.

When God wants us to do something He does not need our abilities — only our willingness and perseverance through faith in Him. He will take care of the rest — only be willing.

What giant are you facing? What huge army threatens you today? What vast crevice or sea do you need to pass over just now in order to reach what you are sensing as God’s call? Just do it and He will take care of it! Be blessed today — BEGIN!

Copyright Dan Elliott. To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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