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SWEET LAND – 11-05-2021

By November 5, 2021Daily Devotionals

November 05, 2021

Prayer: Dear Lord, We thank You for this wonderful land. Please help us pass along our love of this country to our students. Thank You. Amen

Scriptures: Fear God, honor the King. 1 Peter 2:17 ESV

Walk about Zion, go around her, count her towers, consider well her ramparts, view her citadels, that you may tell of them to the next generation. Ps. 48: 12-13 NIV

“My country tis of Thee, sweet land of liberty,” my first graders proudly sang to me. They had practiced with their teacher in their classroom and now knew the song. At the age of five and six, many of the words and concepts seemed foreign to them. Like so many of us adults, these children had never known oppression by the government, persecution for religious beliefs, nor brainwashing concerning political rule.

How can we teach our children about a nation that provides so many rich blessings to us? How can we adequately explain to our students the benefits of living in such a wonderful land? I believe that teachers who hold a deep regard for our nation, who consider well all the sacrifices made, and who pray continually for God’s hand to be over us, will exhibit to their students the love of country which they also need.

Many teachers have used various creative approaches to teaching about our country’s history. Many expose their students to biographies of great Americans. Others develop opportunities for their children to dramatize great moments in American history. Still others make time to plan field trips to government buildings and memorials. Others share personal stories that have led to pride of country.

In these days of increasing requirements placed upon teachers, there needs to be individuals who will set their own teaching priorities, and among them include moments to instill love and respect for our country. Our children will not learn to defend our freedoms if we leave this important element out. We dare not see the sacrifices and gains over more than 200 years lost in one generation of our children.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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  • Laurie says:

    YES, AND AMEN!!!
    Thank you for speaking out about this Shirley, we need to remember these things ourselves and teach them to our students and other children in our lives. We have much for which to be grateful and need to pass that understanding on.

  • Dr. Al Eads, Jr. says:

    As always, your daily devotional is right on spot during this difficult time in the history of our country. May God continue to give us inspiration to find alternate methods when necessary to continue to promote love and admiration for the history of this country as well as the need for the undergirding of scripture that is evident throughout the documents and the life stories produced and lived by the earliest leaders of this great country.