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STIR UP – 11-02-2021

By November 2, 2021Daily Devotionals

November 02, 2021

Prayer: Father, give me spiritual eyes today to see those who need your encouragement. Spur me on to love the unlovable and encourage the downtrodden. Amen

Scripture: And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, Hebrews 10:24 NKJV

As we are looking ahead next to Thanksgiving, I wanted to use the New King James Version Bible of this verse since it used the words, “Stir up love and good works.” At a time when we will be stirring up all kinds of yummy dishes for your Thanksgiving dinner, I wanted to “spur you on” – as the New International Version Bible says – to look ahead at the upcoming months and start thinking of ways you can “encourage one another (and your school) to outbursts of love and good deeds.” New Living Translation Bible. Although there are different translations, they are all good action words for a great verse!

Unfortunately, November can mark the time in many schools where the “new year” feeling has worn thin – if not worn out. Holidays, testing, and indoor recess waits ahead like some long dark hallway that we dread. Use your creativity and love for one another to think of ways you can “lighten it up.”

What are some fun things that you have to look forward to? Does your school have any great traditions? Could you start some of your own? Do you participate in some kind of charity giving or event during the holiday months? How could you extend that feeling into the springtime? Who among you has already started counting the days until Spring break? Anyone know how many days until the last day of school? Go ahead and laugh – it does not make you less dedicated – just human.

Besides the obvious school related stresses, we all have personal hurts or anniversary dates of painful losses or circumstances. These times can lead to silent suffering that really is not so “silent” to those around you.

Please share with your praying friends any dates or times of the year when you might need a few extra hugs and prayers. In the same way that we expect and need our students’ parents to communicate with us any time our students might need some extra nurturing, understanding, and attention – we have to be open with our friends so that they have the blessing of stirring, spurring and encouraging. Keeping quiet about your heartaches and hard days only steals the blessings that others would receive in ministering to you. Just like preparing for that Thanksgiving meal – we all take turns stirring.

Encourage one another, be silly, make some plans to “stir it up.” I hope to hear of some outbursts of love and good works in the coming days and months.

My prayer for you is that you would stir, spur, and encourage.

Copyright Kathy Branzell. To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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One Comment

  • Evelyn Arizmendi says:

    Thank you. I’ve been complaining quite a bit. This was a word in due season. I especially like the advice to share when we need extra hugs. It’s true. My family lost loved ones during this time. I appreciate these words.