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By August 2, 2021August 3rd, 2021Daily Devotionals

August 02, 2021

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, We are grateful that You are leading us on the adventure of this year. We set our hearts to trust You with our times, our joys, and our challenges. We worship You and You alone. Amen.

Scripture: But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. It is a land the Lord your God cares for; the eyes of the Lord your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end. Deut.11:11-12 NIV

Just as the Israelites prepared to cross the Jordan to take possession of the Promised Land, here you stand, ready to take possession of another class or classes, another year in front of you, just waiting for you.

Like the land Israel was to take possession of, your year will be a year of mountains and valleys. Mountaintop experiences, victories so sweet, and moments so powerful that you wish you could just stand there forever and never let go of those feelings, these all await you. I am sorry to say that this year also holds some valleys.

Only God knows what is ahead for you, and so we pray.

For some of you, the valleys will be so painful, the hurt so deep, the trail so steep that you may think about giving up. Please do not give up. God is always with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will carry you to the mountaintops and comfort you in the valleys. This is a journey, and I am so glad that you all have decided to walk this great adventure together. There is always safety in numbers. Stay with a prayer group, hold hands when you need to, don’t stray from the path and keep your eyes on your Leader – Jesus Christ.

God cares for you and all of your students. His eyes are continually on your school from the beginning of the year to its end. Remember this, hold it close, keep it in the front of your mind on the mountains and in the valleys. Trust Him and know that He is there and never leaves. No laws can force Him out, no tragedy catches Him off guard, no student or co-worker is beyond His reach, and no challenge is beyond His ability.

What do you need to talk over with Him? What challenges are already stifling your excitement? Are you already aware of situations where you need His help and guidance? Share these needs with Him and with one another in your prayer group. As you go through your day – and this year – take comfort in knowing that you are being prayed for by others. We are praying for you daily.

My prayer for you is that you would stay with Him, from the beginning of the year to its end.

Copyright Kathy Branzell. Email [email protected]


  • Susan Bell says:

    As I contemplate a job at a private Christian School, this devotion came at just the right time. God has given me a path out of the public schools and I will pray he is with me as I consider my option.

  • Kevin says:

    Thank you for this devotional! I have been especially anxious and nervous about this school year, even after 23 years. I am praying and listening to God, that He may guide my steps. The political climate, work challenges, and pandemic have really made this profession difficult and discouraging the last few years. I’m most concerned about what Critical Race Theory is doing to public schools and our society in general. I know God is in control and that this evil force will be defeated. I just hope more parents, teachers, and community leaders will realize it for what it is and stand up to it before it’s too late. I know there are a lot of parent groups that are organizing and pushing back, but what about teacher groups? Where can we go and not risk losing our jobs or jeopardizing our careers?