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KNOW, GROW, AND SOW – 03-22-2021

By March 22, 2021Daily Devotionals

March 22, 2021

Prayer: Lord, you have made us all unique yet loved the same. Thank you for placing us in community to learn from each other. Help us to flourish where you have planted us. Amen.

Scripture: The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the LORD, They will flourish in the courts of our God. Psalm 92:112-13 NAS

There was a report in 2011 that recommended ways that U.S. schools could transition from age-based grade levels to a competency-based learning system, allowing students to advance at their own pace as they master lessons. Is this a great idea? Do you feel this recommendation came from people with no idea what your life is like and what is needed to run a successful classroom? Would it make teaching easier if every student in your classroom were at the same competency level? How easy or difficult would it be to transition and implement this system? Would students work harder to progress or lapse into a stagnant status? Would it help those who struggle and need extra time and help to be in a room filled with students just like them, or would they miss out on the mentoring and challenge from those who learn and work a little faster and harder than they do?

How would this idea measure up from a Kingdom perspective? If you have ever gone on a mission trip, did everyone have the same level of maturity and experience? If you have attended a Bible study or Sunday school class, did everyone come into the class with the same level of knowledge, understanding and training? Were there any common characteristics? Was there even a common level of commitment, belief, or obedience among these groups? Was there at least a common desire to serve and learn? The answer is probably, “No” to all of these questions. I have yet to attend any class or study where everyone completes their homework with the same level of commitment and diligence.

We are all at different places in our journey with Jesus. Would it be beneficial for new believers to only walk with new believers? It is important for them to hear about our experiences, learn from the knowledge that we have already acquired, and witness our faith that comes from years of knowing that God can be trusted. On the other hand, it is important for seasoned believers to be rejuvenated by the curiosity and energy of a new believer, to be challenged by their questions, and to be prompted to share our faith and failures. In my opinion we need each other at all different levels of living and learning. What is your opinion? At what point do we “master” God’s lessons? How do we pass His “tests?” Is one successful test proof that we will always trust and obey our way through every test? Is it possible to be “strong” on one day and “weak” the next? If a student is strong at math, do they easily master every math formula and topic, or do they stumble through some areas and fly through others? No matter how you divide students up, won’t you always end up with a class at different levels?

Does God expect us to learn and live at the same pace? Do we all take the test the same? It is important to know that He loves us all the same, that we all have equal access to Him, and His gifts are poured out through His Spirit as He determines for His purposes in each life. He views us as individuals–each His very own–yet loves us equally. He has also blessed us with Christian brothers and sisters to educate, enhance, and encourage us along the way. Share your thoughts about today’s topics with one another and I would love for you to share them through email with me.

My prayer for you is that you would know, grow, and sow together.

Copyright Kathy Branzell. Email [email protected]