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By March 11, 2021Daily Devotionals

March 11, 2021

Prayer: Father I pray that I will be steadfast to cultivate faithfulness, with full knowledge that the reward I reap will be what I sow.

Scripture: Do not fret because of evildoers, be not envious toward wrongdoers. For they will wither quickly like the grass and fade like the green herb. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He will do it. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light and your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. Cease from anger and forsake wrath; do not fret; it leads only to evildoing. Psalm 37:1-8 NAS

Even without the trauma of teaching in a pandemic, spring semester can be an emotional roller coaster for educators as well as for students. There is excitement during spring semester as you begin to see the fruit of your teaching in your student’s understanding and application of your subject, and there is also panic for all that you have left to teach in a short period of time. The anticipation of summer break is an encouragement and a distraction as students “check out” or all of a sudden “wake up” to the importance of schoolwork and passing your class. Spring break either gives you the rest you needed to make it through the next several weeks or it gives you a yearning for summer that has you racing to the finish line.

The worst part of spring semester for educators is when districts begin the process of deciding which programs and teachers they will keep and which ones they will cut. I have seen many team-spirited, close-knit schools turn into a war zone during these stressful weeks of staffing decisions. It amazes me that the dearest of friends can become the wickedest of warriors when they are in competition for a staffing slot; secret meetings are scheduled, hurtful gossip circulates, groups plot in dark corners and scheme behind closed doors… and sadly, friendships are ruined.

Today’s Scripture gives us a twofold lesson that can help even out the roller coaster road-trip of spring semester. These verses stand at the fork in the road of righteousness and wickedness and lay out the consequences for each. First, the wicked who scheme and do evil but will wither away. God goes into greater detail of their downfall throughout Psalm 37, so if you are struggling with their attacks, read the whole chapter.

Secondly, the righteous are given instructions to follow like stepping stones laid out to guide and protect. The steps are: 1. Don’t fret or envy 2. Trust the Lord 3. Do good 4. Dwell in faithfulness and delight in the Lord 5. Align your heart with God’s will and pray the desires of your heart, trusting He will do what is best for you. 6. Continue to do what is right and He will reveal the truth about you and protect your reputation. Rest and wait on Him; do not fret or get angry and fall into the trap of manipulating the situation and committing evil.

I pray fervently that this does not happen in your school; if it has happened in the past, share your perspectives and how you will prepare your hearts and stand united to protect against it this year.

Copyright Kathy Branzell. Email [email protected]