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UNSPOTTED – 03-08-2021

By March 8, 2021Daily Devotionals

March 08, 2021

Prayer: Lord, please show us where we have developed stains from this world. Please show us if we are angry or bitter or unkind. Thank you, Lord.

Scripture: Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this…to keep oneself unspotted from the world. James 1:27 NKJV

The principal liked to use my spacious classroom for faculty meetings after school because I didn’t have student desks and had plenty of room for adult size folding chairs. In the spirit of Christian hospitality, I enjoyed allowing my room for such use. However, I cringed to see fellow faculty members balancing coffee cups and stacks of papers as they entered the room. Worse yet were those who would set their cups willy-nilly on the floor near their chairs.

I knew that if a coffee stain developed on my carpet, it would be the next summer before it could be thoroughly cleaned, and by then, the stain might not completely come out. After 20 years of teaching in old buildings, it was really nice to have a newly remodeled room with freshly painted walls and new carpet. I treasured the unspotted carpet.

According to the Scripture, God wants us unspotted by the world around us too. How easily stains appear when we are trying to balance too many things and lose our focus on Christ. How often we let down our guard and allow the culture around us to get too close to where we sit. We need vigilance to remain unspotted. We need the Holy Spirit to warn and examine us. We also need Jesus, our advocate with the Father, to cleanse us from all spots when they appear and before they get into the fabric of our lives making them difficult to remove.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  Email [email protected]