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PLANT IN THE GARDEN – 03-10-2022

By March 10, 2022Daily Devotionals

March 10, 2022

Prayer: God, transplant us from our own and other’s expectations. Bury us in Your Word, Your expectations for us, so we may be well grounded, bloom and bear unimaginable fruit for You. Amen

Scripture: I am the true vine, and My father is the vinedresser. John 15:1 NASB

My Beloved Plant in the Garden of Education,

Expectations of yourself and others are like those little plastic pots that one buys which contain bedding or small vegetable plants to transplant into a yard and garden. Removing the small plants from their pots and planting them in the ground is when you seek and bury yourself in My expectations. Do this and you will grow flowers, fruits, and vegetables you have never seen, heard, or imagined. Get grounded. Get rooted in My expectations, My Word. Grow on!

Your Master Gardener – God

Copyright Don Clark.

To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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