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ON BEING SPECIAL – 02-15-2022

By February 15, 2022Daily Devotionals

February 15, 2022

Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for placing me in the perfect place which is part of Your perfect plan. I am going to choose to shine for You right here, this very day. Amen

Scripture: For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph. 2:10 ESV

“Thank goodness, there aren’t any teachers here!” (Translation: “There aren’t any real teachers here.”) This came from a parent who knew me, since I had taught all three of his children. I was there, at this PTO meeting, the only faculty representative, as the participants heatedly discussed a controversial matter. As a “special” teacher this was only one of many times that I felt like a second-class member of the teaching staff. Not only did many parents think that way of the art, physical education, and music teachers, the children often did as well. Because our subject areas had less importance to many, our roles held less respect as well. Personally, beyond the lack of esteem, I had developed a jealousy for the classroom teacher who had only 20-25 students a year to influence. I had 400. How could I impact so many in a way that would make a difference?

The Lord began showing me what He had for me to do in my unique position on the staff. I had a viewpoint that most people didn’t have. I knew everyone in the school because I worked with all of them. I had the chance to work with the principal and other “specials” planning school-wide events and helping to create a learning, caring community. When Thanksgiving and Christmas came around, I had the distinct privilege to teach every child in the school the historical background of these holidays and to choose songs for school-wide programs that were honoring to the Lord.

Beyond my own school, I had connections with the other music teachers in town, and had the privilege of changing policies system-wide. One such change occurred because I chose some sacred texts as part of well-balanced choral concerts and the other music teachers in town were able to write a policy which allowed them to do the same.

As Christians, we need to know that God has us in this position, with the gifts He has given, for His purposes. Learn to appreciate the place He has placed you to influence your school in a way no one else can.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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