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THE SONG – 12-09-2021

By December 9, 2021Daily Devotionals

December 09, 2021

Prayer: May my life be a sweet song in Your ear, Oh Lord, my God and my Creator. Amen

Scripture: “Not that we are competent in ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” 2 Corinthians 3:5-6 NIV

The kindergarten class and I were talking about composing music, and I was suggesting to them that anyone could do it. I had asked if any of them had ever made up a song. Jamie excitedly responded. “I wrote a song once. I wrote a song at Christmas time—me and God!” And she proceeded to sing it for me.

How often do we, when complimented on something we’ve done, or asked where we got an idea, credit God with it? So many times an idea that seemed to come from nowhere popped into my mind; in the middle of the night, or as I was driving, and sometimes, when I was not even thinking about the project for which the idea had come. I realized at these times that God was indeed a partner with me in my classroom, that He was interested in the details of my teaching, and that He delighted in giving me creative ideas to enhance my work.

Not only does God give us creative lesson ideas and solutions to problems with which we struggle, His word tells us that He makes us competent to be His ministers in the world in which we live—in our school. His Holy Spirit, Who dwells in us, not only gives us new life, but sheds it forth to others. Become conscious of the many ways that God works in and through you to give you His help and to use You for His purposes.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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