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By December 2, 2021Daily Devotionals

December 02, 2021

Prayer: Dear Lord,  Please remind me that I show Your love wherever You take me today. Amen

Scripture: You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37-38 NLT

It is quite easy for us to say that we love God with our entire being — easy until a conflict comes along that is.
When someone mistreats us and we find ourselves acting or thinking vengefully, do we stop then, to question our motives?

Often, we permit our emotions to drive us right over the edge. It is not until we cool down that we are able to hear the Holy Spirit within saying things like “Do you know how much I love you?  I love that person that much as well.  How much are you willing to love __________ with MY love?  Shall I help you with that?”
To love others is a command of God. And if we truly love our Lord more than anything or anyone else, then fulfilling His call to love others should be of utmost priority. Refusing to gossip must be an utmost priority. Refusing to criticize each other, refusing to engage in harmful actions toward another, refusing to put anything in front of what God calls us to do — all these are part of loving our Lord with our entire being. The loving is with the heart: our emotional center, and with the mind: our intellectual and rational center.

Copyright Dan Elliott.  To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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