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IN THE DARK- 11-18-2021

By November 18, 2021Daily Devotionals

November 18, 2021

Prayer: Oh Lord! I would like to have a sense of adventure as I watch and wait for You to open up the way before me! Thank You for the fun of walking with You today. Amen

Scripture: Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Is. 30:21 NIV

They all wanted a turn. First graders love blindfold games, and this was no exception. Through this game, I wanted them to learn pitch matching and critical listening, but they only knew that they were having fun. The blindfolded child would sing “Yoo Hoo, where are you?” and then listen to a classmate, crouched somewhere in the room singing, “Here I am. Try and find me if you can.” Then the blindfolded child had to listen critically, determine the location of the singing, and find and touch the other child to “win.”

I guess the combination of mystery and challenge in this game appealed the most to these children. They felt the adventure of being blindfolded like this.

We have times in our adult lives when we feel blindfolded about what we should do or where we should go. Usually, we don’t feel the excitement of an adventure, when indeed we could. Instead, we get frustrated and anxious. But, if we remember that God is never blindfolded, and sees clearly the beginning and the ending of all of our trials, we can relax and let Him lead us. If we “tune” our hearts and minds to His Spirit, He will give us clear direction and we will hear His voice. Are you a critical listener?

Copyright Shirley Wilson. To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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  • TINO says:

    I am encouraged and i always pray that my spiritual antenna will always be sensitive to capture and listen to the voice of the holy spirit

  • Mary Estrada says:

    Awesome Message!

    Thank you for your words of encouragement. May we always hear His voice.