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THE BOUNCER – 10-27-2021

By October 27, 2021Daily Devotionals

October 27, 2021

Prayer: Lord, we want to be soldiers for You today. Please show us our enemies in the spiritual realm. Thank You for this inspiring testimony from Shirley Wilson. Amen

Scripture: And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. Col. 2:15 NIV

He was huge, and burly. He pushed his way into a crowd of characters he had corralled in the main lobby at my school. Earlier he had gone into every nook and cranny of the building to find them. The characters’ names were Violence, Disrespect, Disruption, Rebellion, Anger, Low Self-Image, Depression, Bitterness, Grumbling, and Contention.

In my mind’s eye I saw this angel grab two of the screaming characters by the nape of the neck and usher them down the hallway to the main entrance. Without so much as a pause, he threw them out the door. Then he turned and came back in for two more. He was responding to my prayers because I was in despair over the terrible behaviors I saw coming from students and staff members, and I was exhausted in the battle.

Even by the next day, I saw some marked improvements in my classes. The characters would be back, but for this time, our school was off limits.

Sometimes we can clearly see the sinful world around us, but other times it seems that we are blinded to it. By naming the spiritual forces that I could see at work in my classes and in the building in which I taught, I was able to pray God’s power over them. When we pray in Jesus’ name, we join with Him in defeating the powers and authorities of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil.

He already disarmed them on the cross, but we appropriate His power when we pray. What spiritual forces are at work in your school? Are you praying for their dismissal?

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  To connect with the author, email [email protected]

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  • Tiffany Wall says:

    I love this. I anoint my shoes with Holy Oil everyday, and the first thing I do when I have all of my kindergarten students in my room working is to walk around the perimeter and claim them all protected in Jesus’s name.

  • Judy Turpen says:

    Powerful and clever!