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HIS WORD IS ETERNAL – 08-04-2021

By August 4, 2021Daily Devotionals

August 04, 2021

Prayer: Father, thank You for Your firm and eternal word. I pray that You would speak to me through Your word today. Amen.

Scripture: Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Psalm 119:89 NIV

The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). God’s Word is eternal, and that is why we long for it each day. I once heard a great quote, “I have read many books, but the Bible is the only book that reads me.” Being in the Word of God is the most essential tool for your success as an educator. It is our foundation as Christians and the manual of manuals. Make time for it, for it will richly bless your impact upon your students and colleagues. If you need to get up 15 minutes earlier, make it a new habit. Listen to the Word as you drive to school. Rely on the Word of God for it is your sword.

Quote for the Day: There is a Book worth all other books which were ever printed. Patrick Henry

Copyright Karen Seddon. Email [email protected]