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GONE FISHING – 03-18-2021

By March 18, 2021Daily Devotionals

March 18, 2021

Prayer Affirmation: Jesus, You call me to be a fisher of students, parents and staff. Every morning I drop my net, my professional responsibilities, to be embraced by You, to listen to and speak to You. You guide me.

Scriptures: They were casting a net into the lake for they were fishermen. Jesus said, “Come follow me,” and I will make you a fisher of [students, parents and staff].”  At once they left their nets and followed Him. Matthew 4:19-20

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

But you must not be called “Teacher,” because you have only one Teacher, and you are all brothers and sisters  together. Matthew 23:8 NCV
Today before school, as I prepare the day’s lessons and grade papers, I envision Jesus standing at the door of the classroom with His hands outstretched. I notice the scars in the center of each gentle, torn hand. His eyes seem to pierce me and to see into the very depths of me. I know instantly that He knows me better than I know myself. His eyes reflect a depth of sorrow, compassion, and joy that I have never seen on the face of any person.

In a quiet yet compelling and commanding voice He says, “Come follow me and I will make you a fisher of students, parents, and staff.”

I put down the lesson upon which I am working and walk up to Him. I embrace Him and He enfolds me in His arms, holding me gently and securely.

Even though many questions start racing through my mind, and I don’t know exactly what being a fisher of parents, students, and staff means, I begin to quietly weep and tell Him, “I am ready.” I trust Him as I have no other in my life, even though I don’t know what the future holds. I just know He holds the future.

Today, I reaffirm my decision to follow Jesus in this, His classroom. Today, I become a fisher of students, parents, and staff. Today, I cease being a “teacher” and I become a “student” of the greatest Teacher the world has ever known. I recommit to spending time alone with Him in His classroom. I recall the time when Jesus said we were to not be called teacher because we have only one Teacher.

As Jesus’ earliest disciples realized their relationship with Jesus was a higher priority than their profession, so do I. I am a Christian educator, not an educator who happens to be a Christian. Jesus helps me get these priorities straight.

Each morning when I come to work, I drop my net: all the cares and responsibilities this job entails, and spend time alone with Jesus in prayer and study. It is upon this foundation that all the rest of my day is built. Jesus is the focus of each day for me in His classroom. My love relationship with Jesus manifests itself in the love relationships with students, parents, and staff members. All of us are richly blessed.

Reflection: At what time in my life have I felt the strongest calling of the Lord? Do I ever let my professional  responsibilities become a higher priority than my relationship with Jesus?

Getting Real: Get to class 10 to 20 minutes earlier than usual. Give Jesus this time. Seek Him first. Let go of everything and embrace Him. Relax and receive His daily agenda for you. Make it your top priority and everything else needed will be given to you.

Copyright Don Clark   Email [email protected]


  • Megan Getrige says:

    Thank you for this devotional. It touched my heart. I am currently on a medical sabbatical but plan on returning to school. I do get anxious about all that is entailed being an educator. I have always tried to put God first. I need Him so much. I feel overwhelmed at times and ask myself a lot Am I meant to do this? Can I hang on for just one more day? Please pray that I may make the right decision and trust God wherever He may lead me.

  • Rachel says:
