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APPOINTED – 02/18/2020

By February 18, 2020Daily Devotionals

February 18, 2020

Prayer: Help us remember You today, Lord, and that You can break into our routine at any moment.  May we be watching for You.  Amen.

Scripture: I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.  Isaiah 45:2-3 NIV

Another day like any other living in this new location. My husband had been transferred and I had left my teaching job over a year ago. It seemed like every attempt to find a job here ended in futility. Then I got the call. It seemed strange because I thought this was one of our few friends in the area making a joke when I answered the phone. The voice sounded very much like his. But this time, the caller identified himself as the music supervisor in a town from which I hadn’t even applied for a job. He received my name from another school system where my application just “happened” to be out on a desk when he called. Now he was calling me to ask if I would be willing to take a long-term substitute position that could develop into a full-time job. After realizing that this indeed was not my practical joke friend, I agreed to give this job a try. Twenty-six years I spent in that school system growing and ministering to the children and educational community.

Are you, too, a “teacher in waiting?” We as educators do our best to get our credentials, we apply to school systems where we think the Lord leads us, and we interview honestly and hopefully. However, the Sovereign Lord knows what He plans for us. Nothing is too hard for Him. When the place is right and the time is right, He will open the doors for us. He will bless us far more than we could ever ask or imagine. We must pray and trustingly wait for His time to reveal His special appointment.

Copyright Shirley Wilson. Email [email protected]