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By August 20, 2019Daily Devotionals

August 20, 2019

Prayer: Oh Lord, we gratefully come to You, the Living Water!  Please fill us with Your presence and the joy we need today.  Thank You.  Amen.

Scripture: Jesus replied, “People soon become thirsty again after drinking this water.  But the water I give them takes away thirst altogether. It becomes a perpetual spring within them, giving them eternal life.” John 4.13- 14 NLT 

I buy lots of bottles of water, it seems.  I drink them a lot because someone told me that they were healthier than soda pop.
Then came the news that the bottled water was really just tap water run through a filter.  What I was paying upwards of a dollar or two per bottle (depending where I purchased it) in reality costs a few cents!  Boy was I making somebody rich!  I could get one of those special filters, put it on my sink tap and fill my own bottles of the same purity or better water.  But, I keep drinking it, wherever I get it– because I am ALWAYS thirsty after I finish a bottle.  The same is true of other beverages.  So, I understand what Jesus was telling his listener in John chapter four.

I understand her response to ask Him to certainly give this amazing resource that dispels all future thirst.  But, of course, the thirst Jesus was talking about was not the one quenched by that wet stuff we drink.  He was talking about the thirst of our souls, longing to be released from their never ending quest to fill the God-shaped empty spot in their center.

We were created to have God at our center– our very core.  When we ask Him to return into His rightful spot in us, then that never ending drive for this, that, and the other, is removed from us and we find true joy, true peace, and true satisfaction.  God quenches us and we remain quenched as long as we remain in Him.

I pray you are quenched with the perpetual spring of joy bubbling up within you this day.

Copyright Dan Elliott.  Email [email protected]