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By March 29, 2019Daily Devotionals

March 29, 2019

Prayer:  We praise You, O Lord, for being a faithful Promise Keeper to us.  Please lead us in honesty and faithfulness in all our dealings.  Thank You.  Amen.

Scripture:  Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed. Joshua 23:14 NIV

God keeps His promises. He does not throw His words around as just an idea, or as a potential or possible outcome. If He says it then it will be so. We find over 4,700 promises in the Bible, which are a lot of promises to keep. But, He has kept them all over and over again to every person who believed in Him, obeyed His commands, and called out to Him.

It seems I am always searching the Scriptures for God’s promises. I have clung to particular verses during all of the highs and lows of my journey with Him. They give me comfort, peace, and knowledge of how things will turn out.

Have you ever read the last page of a book only after reading the first few pages or chapters just to find out how it is going to end? Perhaps you could not wait, the suspense was too much, or you had to know that your favorite character would be okay. You do not know how they reached “happily ever after,” or all that they went through to get there until you read the whole book, but right away your learn how they end up.

Knowing God’s promises is like reading the last page of your story no matter what your circumstances. You won’t discover what you will go through as you journey, but His promises let you know that, “He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

One of my favorite promises is found in John 16:33. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

We should take this example and remember to follow through when we make promises to our students, family and friends. They are more likely to trust His promises if they have seen His example in you.

Copyright Kathy Banzell.  Email [email protected]

One Comment

  • Carmen Demery says:

    God is so good and faithful! In the beginning of every year our Pastor gives us a scripture to hold on to. Guess which one it is? John16:33 yes Ma’am! For the pass couple of weeks I have been experiencing spiritual warfare. Last night during my devotional time, I decided to read my scripture verse (John16:33) and today as I read your devotional God spoke to me (John16:33). I love His promises!!!

    Thank you Kathy for allowing God to use you to speak to me!