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SLOW DOWN – 9/18/18

By September 18, 2018Daily Devotionals

September 18, 2018

Prayer: Oh Lord!  You are Who I need most this day.  Please remind me with every flashing light that this school and I need You.  Thank You. Amen.

Scripture: In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3 NIV

School Zone: When Flashing—15 MPH. I drove by these city schools often and it seemed so unnatural to go so slowly when I impatiently wanted to get to my destination. Even my car seemed to balk at this slow rate. Yet, the areas were well policed, and nearly everyone, in a kind of reverential fear, obeyed the signs and slowed down.

This reminds me of the school days when I would speed through my daily preparations in my classroom without taking the time to slow down and pray. Yes, I had spent time at home committing the day to the Lord, but there was something meaningful about slowing down long enough to pray for each class I would see, and even for individual students.

I know teachers who regularly touch each desk and pray that the Lord will bless the students who will sit there during the day. One teacher I know touched the door frame of her door, and asked the Lord to bless all who would enter there that day.

The School Zone sign flashed before school each morning and after school as well. Maybe we need that reminder to ask for God’s blessing in the morning, and thank Him in the afternoon. When you see a sign like this, let it prod you to slow down and pray. We are powerless against the forces of evil, and against our own weaknesses. Yet, God’s strength and wisdom are there for the asking.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  Email [email protected]