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By September 7, 2018Daily Devotionals

September 7, 2018

Prayer: We thank You and praise You, O Lord, for Your eternal plans for our lives.  Please show us today what steps we need to fulfill all You have for us. 

Scripture: May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Psalm 20:4 NIV

I love summertime. I will pause here for a second for any of you who want to interject a hearty “AMEN!”  I love having my children at home to play and spend time together. I love the slower pace of life and getting all the projects done that I have put off all year… Okay, so I love having my children home to spend time together.

The truth is that our pace of life never slows down and despite my best intentions, I do not think I will ever get all of my projects done around my house. What about you? Did you do everything you had hoped to do over the summer? Did you finish every project and do everything just like you imagined it in the beginning of June? Around the first of August, I begin to panic knowing the summer is coming to an end and my to-do list is nowhere near its end.

I have learned some techniques to accomplish more than I used to. I make a list of what I want to do and what I need to do. I prioritize by importance and necessity, setting goals that I desire to accomplish, and then I give myself deadlines. These techniques should sound familiar to you. This is what you do when you fill your lesson plan book with daily, weekly, and semester lesson plans. Success does not happen haphazardly. Change for the better has to be planned for with an intentional strategic plan. We cannot have students pour into our classrooms day in and day out and just hope that they learn all of the state-required standards and life skills that they need to progress and be successful in the next grade and in life. We must know what they need to know, prioritize and use good time management. We must set deadlines and assess throughout the process to make sure we are on track to hit the target goal.

Life is the same way; if you want to change, grow, and improve, you need a strategic plan. You must live intentionally or time will have a way of flying by like those summer months, and you will find yourself with the same habits, the same to-do list, and the same, if not worse, circumstances. We all need a “Lesson Plan for Life.”

What do you need to accomplish? What would you like to change about yourself or your life? Do you have a bad habit you want to break or a good habit you would like to form? Make a plan and ask your prayer group to pray for you then go after your goal intentionally. My prayer for you is that you would write and live your lesson plan for life.

Copyright Kathy Branzell.  Email [email protected]