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By May 15, 2018Daily Devotionals

May 15, 2018

Prayer: Let us listen and learn.  Let us grow and change to be like Jesus.

Scripture: Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame, but whoever heeds correction is honored. Proverbs 13:18 NIV

As a reading coach, part of my responsibility is to observe teachers as they teach.  My expectations are pretty high.  I look for things that are going right.  I try not to cringe when things are off track and not up to par.  I keep a steady gaze and focus on how students respond to the teacher, if they are engaged in the lesson and if the lesson is making a difference.

It’s not the teachers’ favorite part of my job.  I make no opinionated comments, I simply observe and record what I see and hear.  After the observation we debrief and see what can be done to make things better.  As I see it, there’s always room for improvement.  I also take this time to specifically point out what went right with the lesson and how much the students must appreciate their time and effort.

Some teachers are eager to improve.  But, for some, it is an “ouch” moment.  They see me as an intruder.  Now, when I am bringing them resources and needed materials, I’m an ok person.  But not when it gets down to brass tacks about what is going on in the classroom.  They do not want to hear what I think.  Suggestions for improvement take them out of their comfort zone.  They simply want to be left alone to their own devices.

Jesus sees all and knows all.  When it is time for rejoicing, He rejoices with us.  When it’s time for reproof, for correction, for instruction, do we listen?  Do we accept His reproof?  We can dish it out to the students, but can we take it from the One who really knows what He is talking about?

I’ve never found His reproof to be so harsh as to crush my spirit.  He observes me every day.  He knows me through and through.  How I respond to Him makes a difference in my spiritual growth and how I relate to others as I observe.

Copyright Sharon Sewell   Email [email protected]