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By November 22, 2016Daily Devotionals


Prayer: Lord, is there someone today who should hear of Your great love? Please help me to really see who is struggling today.  Thank You. Amen.

Scripture: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him 1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT

We have lots of pretty imaginative people in this world, to be sure. There are artists of all sorts and genre. There are museums and galleries that show the most amazing to the most confounding of things called ‘creative.’ We have huge bookstores every few square miles selling books by the truck load every day on more subjects than I would have time to list in a ‘month of Sundays’ as the old saying goes. We have movies videos, pod-casts, DVDs, tapes, live music shows, plays, and presentations more numerous than there are hours in a day to count.

Yet, with all this creativity, God’s word rings out the loud clear and beautiful chime. It says that all the creativity in the history of the societies of the world cannot come close to imagining what God has prepared for ‘those who love him.’ For who? Yes, that’s you. Why do we love Him? Because He is who He is! And, because He makes it possible for us to lift ourselves out of our mundane sin-filled lives and receive a supernatural ability– to Love God ahead of ourselves.

Want to get real excited about something as you focus on this day? Think about this verse and just try to imagine what it is that God has prepared for you. Go beyond your imaginings and just thank and praise Him today.

“. . .lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other’s faults because of your love. Always keep yourselves united with the Holy Spirit and bind yourselves together with peace” (Eph. 4:1-3)

Copyright Dan Elliott.  Email [email protected]

One Comment

  • Leslie Robinson says:

    Dan, what version did you use for Eph. 4:1-3? I like the part that says “be patient with each other’s faults”