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CEAI Team Trains Educators in Kenya

By August 28, 2016What's New

Kenya 1CEAI Team Trains Educators in Kenya this Summer

By Gaylene DeMars

This summer, Carl Mosbach, Chris Hawes, and Brian & I (Gaylene) DeMars flew into Nairobi and joined a cohort of Kenyan teachers and discussed the question:  “How can our Kenyan schools be transformed with God’s love and truth?  Rev. John Mbiti Chabari of African Children Ministries was our host and organized the event. 

We wondered if something similar to The Daniel Weekend think tank which we do with American teachers would be of interest and encouraging to Kenyan teachers as well.  The group size would be larger than we were accustomed to with 68 finishing the week, but some of the Kenyan teachers agreed to work with us and become Trainers of Teachers to assist leading the small group discussions.  Good small group discussion is important so we can all learn from each other.

We began our conference with the objectives, and it was fun to see our new leaders do a great job drawing everyone in.  Next we all enjoyed deepening our relationships with the others from a variety of places from Mombasa on the coast to the Machakos area to the capital city Nairobi to the CA.   Times of prayer and Bible study helped us grow in our walk with God. 

As the small groups discussed challenges and concerns that we face as Christian teachers, we realized that many of them were the same for teachers anywhere with challenges in student attendance, substance abuse, lack of family support, prejudice, and administrative support. 

Creative thinking was freeing, as we learned to stop saying “No” to new ideas and explore “In what ways can we?”  It’s good to pray and dream!  Units on world view, treating our students with grace, and work as worship helped us see our classrooms in a new way. 

All these sessions lead towards group and individual problem solving and writing plans of action.  As the participants shared what they will stop doing, and start doing differently, we were all blessed.  “I will reach out to the other teachers…start a Bible study…prayer group…family Bible time…pray for my students…listen to my students…love my students…”  We praise God for the opportunity educators have to minister in the community.

The Trainers of Teachers are making plans to continue in training teachers in Kenya.  The ripples continue to go forth.  Our thanks go out to many of you for your prayers and support.  Asante sana!

Kenya 2

One Comment

  • Loved reading this! Thank you so much for the awesome work you did in Kenya this summer. These treasured teachers will bless their students and co-workers with the blessings they received. A shout of joy to our team and to all our Kenya educator friends!