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HELLOD – 12/02/2019

By December 2, 2019Daily Devotionals

December 02, 2019
Prayer: May I be listening to You today, Lord. Thank You for reminding me that my work for You is not lost.  Please bless each of my students with saving knowledge of You. Amen.

Scripture: Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.  Ecclesiastes 11:1 NKJV

I could have read the back of a cereal box to them, or spoken in Swahili, or told them that I was having a stroke! They weren’t listening, and no matter what I tried, how many tricks I performed, they still weren’t focusing. Didn’t they care about my finely tuned lesson, my hard work, and my expertise? No, they were being children, lost in excitement over every little thing—the birthday party, the snow fall outside, the new child in their class.

It was my good friend, Charles Spurgeon, who reminded me to do well and teach those who are careless and obstinate. “Our labor is not in vain in the Lord.” Our job is to do our work as well as we know how. God’s job is to apply it.

Copyright Shirley Wilson.  Email [email protected]